Wake up your inner baby

Hi! How are you?

Did you ever buy products for babies for yourself?

Let me tell you about this nice baby cream:)

Note: I didn’t use it on any baby. I bought it for myself and used only on my skin.

johnsons bed time cream blog1

I read about some women using  Johnson’s Baby Bedtime lotion together with their babies or just by themselves because it caused some reactions on babies skin. But adults didn’t complain only babies🙂

People stated that it has pleasant relaxing scent. So I decided to smell it in store.

It’s hard for me to describe this scent. Some people say there is something from lavender. I have no idea but it doesn’t smell like pure lavender. It smells so soft, little powdery, relaxing, pleasant..I’m really bad in descriptions:D

It’s not powerful scent but light. I don’t feel it around me after application.

I saw that this line has a cream also and I was walking two days around this products and couldn’t decide. I read ingredients..I’m not a chemist but just to see what should be moisturizing..But actually by name I could understand. Cream is usually thicker and more moisturizing than lotion.

johnsons bed time cream blog ingredients

Finally I got sleepy cream:D And it’s not thick at all and texture is different from body creams I’ve tried.

Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Cream

+ absorbs super fast;

+ light texture, you don’t need a lot, super easy to spread;

+ doesn’t leave any greasy feeling;

+ moisturizes skin (if you notice you skin became softer immediately in the morning you will notice it feels more moiturized);

+ pleasant to apply after shower before sleep, small aromatherapy:);

+ price (2,50 euros, can be found for different price 2.50-3.40);

– jar packaging can be minus for some people.

I don’t know whether NaturalCalm aromas helps to sleep adults or babies but it definitely smells very nice.

Did you try Johnson’s baby product for your yourself or any other baby products?

Have a nice day!:)

15 thoughts on “Wake up your inner baby

    • First smell lotion in store because it’s in bottle and you can open it and jar has protective foil (or how people call it?).:) If you like scent you can try cream. I’m really enjoying using it in the evening!
      And what baby face spf do you use?

      • I use Aveeno baby SPF 50. That’s a great idea though, I’ve never seen this stuff in stores or even heard of it. I’m definitely going to check it out though. 😉

        • You need to visit baby products area in store:) I know Aveeno brand but it’s not sold in my country. I guess I will try some time to use baby spf may be it will make some difference. I’m interested now:)

          • Ohh okay. I hope you can find it! There are definitely some other good ones too, Aveeno is just my favorite 🙂

    • I saw it in store and smelled it also. I think it has better quality for babies but it’s twice more expensive than johnson’s baby. But baby has smaller body and I have big:D So I’d buy that one for baby. )

  1. Hello 🙂 I wanted to try this lotion for about a month. I keep hearing about it and I saw it in DM, but I couldn’t smell it so I didn’t know if I’ll like it or not.
    I’m happy you posted this review. Maybe I’ll buy it next time when I need a new lotion. Right now I have 5 at home and I think I need to stop buying this type of product until they’re finished 😀
    Have a great day!

    • WOW! 5!!! Finish two and buy more:D I think Johnson’s baby is sold everywhere. And cream smells totally the same as lotion. Lotion is in bottle and you can smell it. But I think it’s lighter than cream. The best price is in Lidl if you have it near you. In DM cream is 15 lei, in Auchan-around 13, and in Lidl 11 with something I guess. 🙂

      • Most probably I won’t resist much before buying a new lotion. Especially because I’m going in Germany in less then two weeks and I can’t return empty handed :))
        Thank you for the list of prices 😀
        By the way, as the summer is coming I was looking for a good and cheap foot scrub and Google pointed one of your articles. The next day I bought Balea Fuss Peeling lovely (Orange and Mint) and I simply love it. I don’t remember which one of your articles was that and I’m to lazy to find it and leave you a comment there 😀 Thank you for the great recommendation.

        • I’m very glad you liked it! I need to get something for my feet now also:) Good you reminded me!
          I know what article it was:) I tried to make small objective review so people don’t expect some miracle from it.
          If I go somewhere I also can’t come empty handed. And I don’t want to:D And if you get more lotions.. you have what to choose from in the morning or/and in the evening. 🙂

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